• 画布上的资源
  • 老师的工具 & 教育学
  • 技术:AI, ChatGPT, & More
  • 课程设计
  • 学院资源档案

                  How-to Roll Canvas Course Content as of Summer 2024

AI使用:示例语句 & 参考引用

画布从这里开始——一个大学校园的图像. 从这里开始用粗体字. Two maroon banner flags flank the building in the center. 左旗上写着夏德龙州. Right flag has CSC Eagle Logo and says Chadron State College underneath. 整个图像的顶部有Canvas圆形图像. Circle image is white with reddish orange circles and half circles around it.



This guide offers an overview of the Canvas learning management system (LMS). With over 600 articles answering questions related to using the interface well, 本指南提供了一个全面的概述. Content ranges from course navigation to understanding the Teacher role, 经典测验对新测验, 作业, 出席, 成绩单发布使用, 当然沟通, and more. 

对Canvas有问题吗? 问问Canvas校园社区

Specific usage questions can be researched in this active community. 这个有用的平台连接了Canvas LMS用户, 管理员, 教学设计者, and educational professionals together in order to problem solve issues within the platform and share LMS specific tools.

How do I use the Canvas course setup tutorial as an instructor? (2 min. read)

The setup tutorial helps users understand the feature areas available in a Canvas course. 显示简要概述, and links to user guides that relate to that feature, the tutorial is useful when creating a new course or learning about an individual feature area.

功能区域包括:公告, 作业, 合作, 会议, 课程导入, 讨论, Files, Grades, 主页, Modules, 新分析, Outcomes, Pages, People, Quizzes, Rubrics, Settings, Syllabus, 和缩放LTI集成页面.


This course evaluation helps ensure that educators are designing courses which consider both curriculum and learning design principles. Checklist categories include course structure and content, 形成性和总结性评估, course accessibility for differently abled learners and more. It is a good tool for ensuring curriculum and design course modalities are of high quality.

由半圆和全圆组成的红色圆圈. 灰色的字体写着帆布.



This dropdown menu of Canvas resource offers a curated list of answers to questions posed by CSC educators.







Using AI & 在大学里聊天


AI使用:示例语句 & 参考引用

  • This PDF offers tiered statements and sample citation formatting that faculty can use in syllabi or assignment instructions. 浏览CSC图书馆网页Guides & 教程,以便在引用人工智能时获得更多的教学支持. 

蓝色和黑色的城市景观为背景. 白字写着ChatGPT和OpenAI. White flower circle logo for Open AI next to the words. In the right hand corner there is a white robot hand open. 一个白色的数字大脑即将诞生. Inside the digital brain is what looks like a white computer chip. 电脑芯片的中心写着人工智能.

Turnitin AI资源

File requirements for submission to be processed for Turnitin AI writing detection:

  • 文件大小必须小于100mb.
  • File must have at least 500 words of prose text and not exceed 15,000 words.
  • File must be written in English long form writing format.

可接受的文件类型: .docx, .pdf, .txt, .rtf
